Analysis on the important performance of redispersible latex powder

Shandong chuangyao Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is a large redispersible latex powder manufacturer in China. Redispersible latex powder is familiar to people in the construction industry. We live in buildings with ceramic tile binder, putty powder and thermal insulation mortar for external walls. After adding redispersible latex powder, the compactness of mortar can be improved so as to enhance its various industrial indexes including tensile strength and bending strength. Compared with the buildings without the additive, the overall quality and strength of buildings with dispersible latex powder are significantly improved. Therefore, the use of redispersible latex powder in the construction industry is gradually increasing, even essential. After redispersible latex powder mixed with mortar, emulsified and dispersed with water, forming stable polymerization emulsion. After emulsifying and dispersing in water, the water evaporates and forms polymer film in the mortar to improve the properties of mortar. Different types of redispersible latex powder have different effects on dry powder mortar.

Shandong chuangyao Biotechnology Co., Ltd. produces a complete range of redispersible latex powder models, functional redispersible latex powder to meet the needs of the construction industry.


1、 Improve the impact resistance, durability and wear resistance of mortar: redispersible latex powder particles fill the mortar cavity, increase the compactness of mortar, and improve the wear resistance. Under the action of external force, it will relax without being destroyed. The polymer film can exist permanently in the mortar system.

2、 Improve the workability of mortar construction: there is lubrication effect between polymer powder particles, so that the components of mortar can flow alone. Meanwhile, the rubber powder has induction effect on air, giving the compressibility of mortar, improving the workability of mortar construction.

3、 Improve the bonding strength and cohesion of mortar: as an organic binder, the redispersible latex powder can form high tensile strength and bonding strength on different substrates after film forming. It plays an important role in bonding force between mortar and organic material (EPS, extruded foam board) and smooth surface substrate. The film-forming polymer powder is distributed in the whole mortar system as reinforcement material, increasing the cohesion of mortar.

4、 Improve the weather resistance, freeze-thaw resistance and crack resistance of mortar: redispersible latex powder belongs to thermoplastic resin, with good flexibility, which can make the mortar cope with the change of external cold and hot environment, and effectively prevent the mortar from cracking due to the change of temperature difference.

5、 Improve the hydrophobicity of mortar and reduce the water absorption: the redispersible latex powder forms film in the mortar cavity and surface, and the polymer film will not be redistributed after encountering water, which prevents the invasion of water and improves the impermeability. Special redispersible latex powder with hydrophobic effect has better hydrophobic effect.

6、 Improve the bending strength and flexural strength of mortar: the polymer film formed by redispersible latex powder has good flexibility. The membrane is formed on the gap and surface of cement mortar particles to form a flexible connection. Thus, the brittle and hard cement mortar becomes elastic. The mortar with redispersible latex powder is several times higher than the ordinary mortar in tensile and flexural resistance.

The main types of redispersible latex powder produced by Shandong chuangyao biotechnological redispersible latex powder manufacturer are adhesive type cy-7120, flexible type cy-7150, general type and customized type. The product quality is reliable and the variety is complete. For more information, please pay attention to the redispersible latex powder manufacturer Shandong chuangyao Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

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